I actually have told no one about my secret sewing projects...not because they aren't fabulous but because they are incredibly nerdy and I am well aware not everyone has the appreciation for nerdiness like I do. People just don't know what they are missing!
So, with that said, here is an example of a lunchtime project I did this week. Enjoy! I know I did!
Monday Night - I made the shell (the actual hat) modeled after one of video game's classic characters,
Mega Man
I borrowed the lid of a scented candle off the desk of a colleague for part one of the ear piece |
Here's a lid from a cleaning product that I also borrowed from another colleague's desk for part two of the ear piece |
I used the lines of the notebook paper (that I actually had at my desk) to help envision scale |
Wednesday at lunch - Finished cutting out the detail pieces and pinned pieces in place
The mouth of this little smiley face was the hardest part...felt is difficult to cut and to keep straight |
All pinned up! |
Thursday at lunch - Started sewing!
Everyone should have one of these in their desk |
Friday at lunch - Finished sewing
Now we are ready for anything! |