Friday, November 12, 2010

Hat Brainstorm

Last week I brainstormed with my mentor, Cecile, about making more nerdy hats. Lately, I have received great feedback about my current hats and see an opportunity as well as demand for some new ones. Cecile’s and my brainstorming session started with me showing her pictures of some of my favorite sci-fi and retro video game characters while she sat back and took it in. Cecile isn’t someone I would call a nerd but she does know what Star Wars is and understood the importance of certain characters thanks to her husband, a comic and sci-fi fan, and of course, myself. After reviewing countless pictures and multiple angles of each character we got to thinking about hat design and logistics.
The designing process only took about an hour or so but the sample making took much longer, but, it was totally worth it. Right now, I have a few samples that are well on their way such as a fleece Mega man hat complete with ear covers and a new and improved fleece R2D2 hat.  I will post new pics soon but for now, here are some fancy napkin drawings to wet your appetite.

Every one's favorite bounty hunter. The section in the front center will actually come down onto the face past the rest of the hat. I know. The hat is already totally awesome.
A collection of ideas. The Storm Trooper is actually hard to make a fleece hat out of because they are all about dimension and less about color. We'll see how he comes out soon.


  1. Every great idea begins its life as a napkin sketch - the Boba Fett hat idea is genius.

    Have you thought about doing a batman hat? Or wolverine? They could be cool.

  2. Thanks for the suggestions. I have been developing a Batman hat for a while. The ears are tough. But Wolverine?! Dude, that is a great idea. I will see what I can do.
